How to Access WHM

How to access WHM

To access WHM, perform the following steps:

  1. Enter one of the following URLs in your preferred browser:
    • — This URL allows you to access WHM over an encrypted connection with your HostName.
    • — This URL allows you to access WHM over an encrypted connection with your domain name.
    • — This URL allows you to access WHM over an unencrypted connection with your HostName.
    • — This URL allows you to access WHM over an unencrypted connection with your domain name.
  2. Enter your WHM username in the Username text box.
  3. Enter your password in the Password text box.
  4. Click Log in.


Your domain's DNS information must propagate before you can access WHM with your domain name. If you cannot access the WHM interface with your domain name, use your HostName.

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