
Due to yesterday's fire incident in our datacenter where our server (server3.webhostnepal.com) is placed, All the services and sites hosted in this server are currently down.
Fortunately our data is safe on the SBG3 block on the datacenter.
but it's not operational because of current inability of power and reconstruction of the network room in the datacenter.
It seems our server on SBG3 will not start before March 19.
Status of the Strasbourg datacenter
SBG1: Network room is OK - 4 rooms destroyed - 8 rooms OK
SBG2: destroyed
SBG3: PSU off - server monitoring in progress
SBG4: No physical impact
No restart today for SBG1, SBG3 and SBG4
Plan for the next 2 weeks:
1) Restarting 20KV for SBG3
2) Restarting 240V in SBG1 / SBG4
3) Checking of DWDM / routers / switches in Network Room A (SBG1).
Control of fibers on the Paris / Frankfurt link
4) Reconstruction of network room B (SBG5) Control of fibers on the Paris / Frankfurt link
Plan to restart SBG1+SBG4+the network by Monday March,15 and SBG3 by Friday March,19.

Thursday, March 11, 2021

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